VERCIDA Contributors

Pay Gap Report

Written by VERCIDA | Feb 15, 2019 10:01:01 AM

The press release below accompanies the Pulse Report (attached) which provides a detailed assessment of the current gender pay gap reporting position and issues. Many organisations are failing to follow the government guidelines with implications for the quality of the data being submitted.


Click here for Pay Gap Report.

Contact: Innes Miller 07468 433 630
12 February 2019

1,000 organisations report their gender pay gap

With just under two months to go until the second gender pay gap reporting deadline on 4 April 2019, only 1,000 or around 10.5% of the total number of organisations expected to submit their data have done so. Analysis by has shown that while some organisations have provided narrative on the progress they are making, others have chosen to meet the minimum reporting requirements.

The overall median gender pay gap currently stands at 10.4%, less than last year's final outcome of 11.8%. The median gender bonus gap is -6.4% which compares to -21.8% for 2018. However many of the organisations with large pay and bonus gaps are still to report.

The highest number of organisations to have reported so far has been in the public sector, with 176 submissions. The sector with the highest median gender pay gap is construction at 25.5%. Financial services follows with 21.1%. Agriculture, forestry and fishing has the highest median bonus gap at 63%.

The organisation with the highest median gender pay gap is Nexus Education Schools Trust in Bristol at 58% – even although it employs 94% women. The organisation does not include a gender pay gap report on its website.

Further analysis by has shown that issues remain with the quality of the data being submitted to the government, with around a third of all organisations having made one or two administrative errors during the reporting process.

With less than two months to go until the second reporting deadline, there will be greater scrutiny on the quality of gender pay gap reports submitted. While the deadline is close to the UK’s EU withdrawal date of 29 March, employers can expect significant interest in their reports, with employees and other stakeholders keen to understand what’s changed.

Innes Miller, Chief Commercial Officer of says that it will be important for organisations to clearly articulate what they are doing to close their gender pay gaps.

According to Miller, “Last year we saw the majority of reports explaining what the gender pay gap reporting legislation was and how if differed to equal pay. While an important part of the education and awareness process, employers this year must define what steps they are taking to close their gaps. Most reports still lack detail on the steps being taken and how the outcomes of these steps are measured”.

With the government consultation on ethnicity pay gap reporting having come to end on 11 January this year, employers should expect additional reporting requirements as the government seeks to encourage employers to think about what steps they can take to create fairer workplaces. However, many employers do not currently have the data to meet the requirements of the proposed legislation.

Fiona Hathorn, Managing Director Women on Boards UK added, “Greater transparency will have significant implications for employers who in time may find it increasingly difficult to attract the best talent, win new business and appeal to investors who are focusing ever more on the social impact credentials of the companies they invest in. Now is the time for management to communicate the quantifiable steps they are taking to make a positive and sustainable change”.

Edinburgh-based (previously Staffmetrix) specialises in workforce data analytics with a focus on diversity and inclusion. The company provides daily analysis on the gender pay gap data submitted to the government, in addition to having developed software that helps employers simplify the gender pay gap reporting process. Our aim is to bring greater transparency to the workplace. Through this we are also working with investors and other stakeholders to encourage positive change.

For more information, contact:

Innes Miller
07468 433 630

Women on Boards Women on Boards exists to provide information, encouragement and connections to help women get to the top within their own company or to take on a board orcommittee role as a non-executive director (NED), trustee or governor. We are breaking down the barriers to entry to the boardroom and building the pipeline of board-ready women. WOB operates from the principle that as talent and ambition are equally distributed between men and women, organisations in all sectors need to work towards gender balance at board and leadership level, in order to reach their full potential.

For more information, contact:

Pam Vick
0207 099 4907